In the age of the internet, many traditional industries have fallen before the might of modern convenience. Sometimes this manifests as a downturn in those which have existed for centuries, other times, the benefits of the internet have completely destroyed businesses built on physical goods and services. Yet, in the online casino industry, both sides continue to thrive. So, what caused so many others to fail, and why are online and offline casinos only growing more popular?

Replacements When Convenient

The businesses which have struggled the most with the introduction of online systems are those which offer no appreciable advantages in their traditional forms. Some of the most profound examples of this issue have been in the landscape of video gaming stores like GameStop. As the world’s largest video game retailer, GameStop was an institution, but ever since players found access to high-speed internet, it’s been living on borrowed time.

Before the internet became mainstream, games on consoles were necessarily placed on removable physical media. Sometimes this came in the form of cartridges like with Nintendo's NES, SNES, and N64. At other times, like with the Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation, optical media was the only option. Since these machines had neither hard drives nor internet capabilities, games had to be delivered this way.

"GameStop" (CC BY 2.0) by JeepersMedia

After the turn of the new millennium, high-speed internet and console hard drives removed existing barriers, and customers responded in force. All of a sudden, the convenience of online purchases, lower prices, and not having to worry about losing or breaking media meant the industry underwent a revolution. Similar changes were applied in video rentals for stores like Blockbuster, and major newspapers. This was also around the time when online casinos would take off, yet unlike these other industries, they wouldn't harm their predecessors.

Experience and Personal Taste

Because online casinos are much younger than their offline cousins, they exist in a state of much more rapid growth as they're still racing to fulfil their potential. That said, both sides are still expanding by the year, with a total value of $231 billion in 2022. So, why did this happen when other traditional industries have struggled in the face of online competition?

Primarily, the answer lies in how players love and experience casino games. Take bingo for example. In the online world, the game can be played from anywhere that offers a connection to your mobile phone. It requires no dress code, and no travel time is implied. This version of the game is very successful due to these factors.

Offline, bingo still offers the same fun core gameplay, but with the addition of the all-important direct social aspect. You can joke around with friends and enjoy the atmosphere, which isn’t quite the same online. If I wanted to find bingo near me, I could even use modern online tools to help with searching. In essence, these are two sides of the same coin.

"Casino!" (CC BY-ND 2.0) by

Online and offline casinos still exist because both are equally appealing. Some players might prefer one or the other, other players might change their minds based on their mood or the weather, and yet more could simply flip a coin to make their choice. Both of these forms of entertainment have something to love for huge audiences, so they’ll continue to exist in harmony. Whatever your choice, there are no wrong options, and you don’t have to worry about one side ever failing.


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